Topical Mineral Concentrate
VM #120 Concentrate is a compound for a wide field of uses. The natural components of this concentrate are hygienic agents, mild yet powerful as an astringent and tome builder of great latitude. It is prepared to stimulate the cells through absorption, thereby aiding nature in building resistance to infection.
Always gauge the strength of the solution to the condition: it can sting if too strong and it will stain clothing.
For stomatitis and other infections of the throat, Pyorrhea, Trenchmouth and as an astringent in dental surgery.
VM #120 Concentrate can also be used directly on a bandage for minor cuts, bee stings, and slivers.
As an eyewash, VM #120 Concentrate has a tendency to produce a soothing and healing action on the delicate membrane of the eye. One drop to one ounce of tepid water used in an eye cup is the recommended proportion.
Nasal Cleanse
One drop of VM 120 to each ounce of tepid water will aid in treatment of nasal congestion, head colds, sinus infections and other similar ailments.
Infections of the EAR
2 to 5 drops of VM #120 Concentrate to an ounce of tepid water, used as an irrigation, every two hours while acute conditions persist.
Colonic Therapy/Vaginal douche
VM #120 is a very effective agent in colon therapy with respect to colon lavage or irrigation.
Vitaminerals #120
Over 70 years of use with a wide range of topical applications. Diluted per label direction may be used as a detergent mouthwash, gargle, lavage or topical preparation.
Active ingredients are mineral concentrates containing aluminum, ferric and ferrous sulfates.
Additional information
Formula 120 | 1 oz |
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