Essential for the development and maintenance of connective tissues, Vitamin C is significant for multiple bodily functions. Responsible for the formation of an essential protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels, Vitamin C is used as a therapeutic agent for many diseases and disorders. Vitamin C not only protects the immune system…

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Are you eating fine? Three regular meals a day supplemented with fruits and other healthy food items. Or are you skipping meals due to work or other commitments? You should never do that. There is a reason we eat three different times a day. Our body and mind need essential nutrients at regular intervals of…

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With the presence of several microbes, germs, viruses, etc. in the environment, there is a great risk of inhaling them and falling sick. But have you wondered that even though they are never absent in your surroundings, why you are still able to go about without catching a disease everyday? That’s because the immune system…

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Stress and depression are more prevalent now than they ever were. Stress is usually borne out of work-related concerns and issues while depression can be the result of trauma caused by the loss of someone or something important in your life. These are the primary causes which may vary from person to person. The first…

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